Perhaps, as many of us do, you know how to clean your mirrors at home. You think you know very well what to use and what is the proper method for you. However, you fail to achieve the best results like the rest of us.
Commercial cleaning solutions are one of the mistakes you make. They work, but a homemade solution is just as effective and much less expensive. Furthermore, you will reduce the amount of plastic in landfills and avoid introducing unnecessary chemicals into your home.
Using paper towels and circular motions is another mistake that we all make. With all that, the products and the methods are proving us wrong when it is time to clean the mirror at home.
Luckily, in this article, you will learn how to keep your mirrors sparkling clean.
Table of Contents
Start by cleaning the frame
Even a sparkling mirror can look dirty if you don’t clean the frame. Make sure you will clean it first, before the actual mirror. Otherwise, you will find yourself doing one job twice because you must clean all the left residue and smudges.
Like the mirror, the frame collects dust and needs maintenance over time. Of course, if the frame of your mirror is from a special kind of wood or other unpopular material, you will have to pay closer attention to the cleaning method.
How to choose the right cleaner
DIY cleaning solutions can be economical and sustainable when you use ingredients you probably already have on hand. A specially formulated mirror cleaner should be used if you choose to use a commercial product.
Homemade vinegar-water solutions are easy, safe, and less expensive if you’re willing to put in the effort. Using this product will also prevent a bathroom mirror from steaming up for about a week after a shower. You only need to let the mixture sit for a minute on the mirror before wiping it off. This will help you to increase its de-fogging ability.
Although vinegar and water make an effective cleaning solution, there are certain things you should not clean with vinegar. For example, an abrasive cleaner like vinegar can damage surfaces like stone countertops and deteriorating bathroom grout if used over a long period.
Using the Right Wipes
Newspapers and paper towels are commonly used to clean mirrors, but these single-use items are not necessarily environmentally friendly. Furthermore, they often leave lint, dust, paper debris, or ink residue on what should have been a clean mirror.
You can also use lint-free cloths or microfiber towels that pull up dirt and grease without leaving a trail of lint behind. Instead of throwing away the cleaning cloth once you’re done wiping, wash it. If you decide to use a newspaper, ensure it is old. The older it is, the less inky it is, so you will not worry about any surprising ink trails.
Steam cleaning is an option to consider
The best mirror-cleaning method may already be at your fingertips if you have a steam cleaner with a squeegee attachment. In addition to not needing harsh chemicals, steamers are also effective without the need for additional products. Watch the steam magically do its work by guiding your steamer up and down the surface using the squeegee attached to the nozzle.
Cleaning a Mirror with Vinegar
Mix the solution
Use a spray bottle to mix vinegar with water for a DIY solution. Keep in mind that hard water needs to be distilled. If you are unsure about the water hardness, you can always buy a test from the local shop. Of course, if you use a commercial cleaner, you can skip this step.
Spray the area
Vinegar mixtures and glass cleaners should be sprayed directly on the cloth, not directly on the mirrors. Cleaning this way will prevent black tarnish marks and rust from forming behind the silver coating.
Streaks are caused by dust and debris being deposited back onto the surface by circular motion. Wipe the mirror in a tight S-pattern from top to bottom to achieve the best results, covering the entire surface area.
You should begin wiping the mirror in an S-pattern at the top and work your way down if you have already wiped an area. It is essential that you do not go backwards.
Cleaning Mirrors from Hard Water Stains
Water droplets left behind by mineral deposits can leave unsightly chalky white stains after drying in most households. Additionally, depending on the minerals in the water, these stains can appear brown or rust-coloured.
Mirrors can be even more difficult to clean when hard water spots appear. If you wait until cleaning day to remove a mild stain, it will become harder to remove. Creating a paste that dries quickly on the stained area and lifts off the stain is the best way to remove these stains from your mirrors. The steps are as follows:
Creating a paste
Baking soda and vinegar should be mixed equally in a small bowl. You will be left with a toothpaste-like consistency.
Smear the paste
The paste should be applied to the hard water spots. Then you need to rub it gently over the stain. Finally, leave it to dry.
Continue by wiping the paste off and drying the mirror. If necessary, use another clean cloth to dry after wiping off the paste.
The Best Way to Deal with Hazy or Streaky Mirrors
Your mirrors are still streaky or hazy even after you’ve gone through all the steps. This can be caused by several maladies, but don’t get discouraged. You can solve each one by following this advice to make your mirror sparkle again.
Make sure you avoid hard water
Your homemade cleaning solution may be the cause of your hazy mirror if you have hard water at home. When it dries, the minerals left behind by hard water can make your mirror appear hazy. The best DIY cleaning solution is to use distilled water. You can find it available at most grocery stores by the gallon. Of course, this is only if you have not already considered installing an entire home softening system.
Harmful chemicals should be avoided
When used on mirrors, household cleaning products that work well on other surfaces can damage them. Causing haziness, streaks, and other undesirable effects:
- A tinted mirror can get cloudy or peel off entirely if exposed to ammonia.
- Bleach can leave streaks on mirrors and dull them over time, even though your grandmother taught you to use it to clean everything.
- There are no multi-purpose cleaners that are safe to use on mirrors. Mirrors often become hazy because of the toxic residue they leave behind.
- It is also recommended to avoid soapy cleaners because they leave a residue that contributes to streaks.
When cleaning your mirrors, make sure to use only DIY solutions containing vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. Isopropyl alcohol is also an option. Another one is to use only commercial products explicitly formulated to clean glass.
Frequent cleaning is important
It is essential to clean mirrors frequently to prevent grime and chemicals from building up. Cleaning them more often will make your job easier. Moreover, who does not like to see themselves in streak-free mirrors?
We all want to live in sparkling-clean homes. We want everything to be dust-free, decluttered and spotless. However, we live in quite a busy environment, and sometimes following the basics is exhausting. Following these tips should help you complete at least one chore in your home and ease your life. Of course, if you find yourself struggling to keep up with the house tasks, you can always call a professional domestic cleaner to help you. None ever said that you need to do it all alone.