There can be tons of ideas that help you remodel your house at a really low cost. A basic way to look at it is by emphasizing it economically. You must have one focal point and start planning about the rest of the house accordingly. While many people consider their hall rooms as the focal point, to some it is decorating the cabinets with artwork. Well, here we’d give you some smart ways to revamp the look of your home.
Ways to remodel your house at a low cost
Check out some of the idea and inexpensive ways to give your house a new look and make a lot of difference.
Ideas for you hall room
- Update your accessories
You might want to buy new furniture to match the fresh colors of your wall. However, this can be expensive for most of you. Turn to choose upholstery that allows you to keep changing colors as and when you like. From bright to rustic, you can keep switching over as and when you want.
- Change perspective
One of the easiest ways to make your house look different is by relocating the objects. Shifting furniture from one place to another or getting rid of excess furniture can change the look. Rearrange furniture as it gives you a cheap way to redecorate your home. Play around until you can afford or wish to sell the old and buy something new.
- Try new flooring
If you’ve had enough of dull floors, it is time to change how they look. You don’t need to try wall-to-wall carpeting or replace the floor entirely – these would be costly. You can simply get area rugs that cover your floors, add colors to the mosaics, and work inexpensively.
- Add plants to your home
Adding plants to your living room gives you freshness and positivity. Try to arrange a couple of planters at the corner or cluster them up near the hallway. You want it to be showy, you can go for miniature fountain planters with concealed lighting. Many people buy artificial plants just for show as they can’t maintain real ones.
Ideas for your kitchen
- Start shelving
If you’ve often found an overloaded cabinet your kitchen probably looks really messy. The inexpensive alternative is to add extra cabinets can be simply buying racks or mounting selves handily. This can be a smart place to keep your cookbooks, spices, jars of ingredients, nibbles, and more.
- Personalize it
If you have an empty wall in your kitchen, you can add a pinup board to it. Stick new recipes that you’d try and photos of food you love. Make this space colorful and set goals when you’re on a diet.
- Dramatic changes
One of the smart ways for an easy kitchen refurbishment is to make dramatic changes. Consider a facelift where you can work on broken tiles for a mosaic backsplash. You simply need a few adhesives with grout to work on this. Add neutral and earthy color tones to make it look classic or go absolutely wacky.
- Recondition your cabinets
You can consider modifying your cabinet completely and try a budget makeover. Tiny things like paintings, drawer pullers, can make a huge difference at a low cost.
- New table setting
An easy yet ignored way to make a quick change in your kitchen is buying using a new tablecloth. It charges low and gives you an instant change. You can also try the same with napkin holders, salt and pepper sets, add a flower vase, and more.
Ideas for your bedroom
- Maintain theme
Many of us mistake bedroom accessories and don’t match the right colors. Making little changes like matching the right curtains and bedcovers will make a lot of difference. Use slipcovers for your furniture or paint them by coordinating items in the room to fit the right color scheme.
- Add the right lights
Having the old room under new lights can result in a refreshing change. Simply alter the lighting system for a low-cost change to switch the look and feel. It can be an easy DIY project that charges you little.
- Decorate the walls
Plain wall reflects dull lives so you should try out uncluttered modern looks. Try to add colors, pictures, wallpapers, or hang interesting paintings. Bedrooms are your personal space that should reflect who you are or the relationship with your partner.
Ideas for your washroom
- Add colors
A small space, where you rarely spend time in, doesn’t have to be a reason to make it look lifeless. You might not want to hang a painting in there, but you can at least make it more colorful. Try playing with bathroom cabinets, windowpanes, or a bright color shade to the walls. Washrooms are often a great place where you make plans of world domination – make it worthwhile!
- Make it decorative
Bathrooms also need decoration and that can include some accessories too. From pretty handmade soaps to artifacts, you can make this place look warm and interesting to people. Replace the mirror from time to time, have more curtains and mats to switch over from. Keep towels handy and make sure they complement the look of the washroom.
- Improve storage
You can decorate your bathroom entirely, but it won’t look good if the toiletries are found in the basin. Choose storage options where you can add your essentials and clean the remaining clutter. Don’t make this place look clumsy by adding too much of decoration – keep it simple and classy.
Final thoughts
We can change the way our house look bit by bit, and make a big difference. You don’t need to work on every part of it at once. You can start with the hall or with the kitchen, and then shift from one to another. Keep making tiny changes that don’t make you shed a chunk of your paycheck but brings in a difference. Make sure you work on making the house a better place to live and not just concentrate on how it looks.