5 Top Rare Disorders Provided Treatment by Neurologists

People of all ages are being affected by some type of diseases or the other and hence, are required to visit primary care physicians. But some diseases that are associated with the nerves do require the person to visit specialists like Dr. Mathew Abraham to ensure that they get the very best treatment and on time so that the disease does not spread further. There are few rare health disorders that may strike the person causing a restriction in movements and not being in a position to carry out day to day activities. 

Top five disorders

Below given are the top five disorders which require immediate attention and treatment provided by the best neurologist in the domain. Neglecting the issue may make the serious to become serious and to be life-threatening.

  • Barth Syndrome: This rare type of muscular disorder is accompanied by some genetic component and gets passed onto the next generation, especially sons from the mothers, thus affecting X chromosome. Boys suffering from this particular condition are noticed to be below average with regards to their height and weight. They do face increased exertional fatigue and muscle weakness. There are reported other symptoms which occur commonly among individuals suffering from such syndrome. It includes diarrhea, learning disabilities, and hypoglycemia. The best way for ensuring more productive and longer life will be to get the situation and health monitored by a qualified and experienced neurologist and other specialists. 
  • Angelman Syndrome: This syndrome is a rare condition taking place in one among 15,000 people. This neuro-genetic disorder tends to affect everything, ranging from the ability to communicate to speak to jerky, stiff movements of limbs. The additional symptoms do include microcephaly, excessive drooling, and developmental delay. Children love to laugh a lot and have lots of fascination with water. Seizures that is said to affect about 90% of all patients need to be promptly treated by the experienced neurologists. Seizures in most of the cases could become very much severe. 
  • Hallervorden-Spatz Disease: It is referred to as a neurological and genetic disorder. Patients suffering from this disease tend to experience neurodegeneration. It effectively means that their neurons tend to worsen with time. The symptoms do include seizures, muscle spasms and trouble trying to coordinate movements. With age, the person is likely to experience more symptoms. The common issues faced are with the vision, harder to understand speech, including dementia and disorientation creeping in. even though each individual is known to differently manifest, it is the neurologist who can suggest appropriate therapies and remedies like physical and speech therapy. It is sure to help to retain skills for a long time possible. 
  • Crushing’s Syndrome: Even though this syndrome is cited to be an endocrine disorder, few symptoms are included that need the attention of Dr. Mathew Abraham Neurologist. It includes trouble with memory and neuromuscular issues. The body in this particular condition is said to develop cortisol in excess levels, thereby affecting the body in different ways. Most individuals are found to be clinically obese, feel fatigued and suffer from high blood pressure. This rare disease is known to occur among 10-15 people in a million. It is women who form the majority of the patients suffering from such syndrome and additional symptoms like above-average body hair and irregular menstrual cycles. 
  • Machado-Joseph Disease: This is considered to be a rare form of hereditary ataxia and has symptoms which tend to mimic like that of Parkinson’s disease. Some features noticed in this disease include difficulty in swallowing and chewing, abnormal postures and clumsy movements. Severity noticed in the symptoms can be determined with DNA code. If the person faces longer repeat expansions, then he/she is said to experience more traits associated with this illness. Even though any person may be affected by the disease, it is mostly found in those of Azorean and Portuguese descent. 
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In case there is suspected any neurological disorder of any type in the person, then it should not be neglected. This issue should be brought to the immediate notice of the knowledgeable neurologist who can diagnose and provide treatment that is necessary. With early detection, medical care and therapies can be offered to eliminate the issue and reduce the effects as quickly as possible.