Advance Rig Scheduling Technology For Modern Oil And Gas Industry

Advance Rig Scheduling Technology For Modern Oil And Gas Industry

Oil and gas industry is so dynamic, that it is absolutely necessary to have a specialized approach to deal with operational challenges. It is important to take the leverage of the best possible technologies available in the market. The operation becomes even more challenging, due to the nature of high-value field assets. Managers often find it difficult to allocate expensive rigs to potentially wealthy wells. This is where advance rig schedulers come into play, which has superb capabilities of monitoring and optimizing drilling performances for multiple sites. This one of a kind tool can change the entire ecosystem for good, by establishing a real-time connection between boardroom and high-value field assets. It is also imperative to have a technical system like this which can connect easily with the organizational financial system, give a fantastic financial projection of the day. This makes the organizational decision makers more proactive by lowering the reaction time of any possible production holdup.

Advance Rig Scheduling Technology For Modern Oil And Gas Industry

Why Do We Need Advance Rig Schedulers?

  • Advance rig schedulers take a fraction of time to manage rigs than done manually. This saves time and money for organizations.
  • For busy managers, mobility is the name of the game. They are in the lookout for a technology which can be operated remotely through cloud computing. This is facilitated by advance rig schedulers, which can be programmed while on the move.
  • Managers do also need to see the real-time change of asset allocation, to give maximum clarity to business decisions.
  • Advance rig schedulers increase coordination and communication amongst field personnel by many folds.
  • Most of the times managers complain against the lack of having a technology which can present them with colorful and informative graphs, then boring dry data. This is done by advance rig schedulers, which has the capability of a present real-time graphical picture of the rig operations and root cause analysis of any possible downtime.
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Advance Rig Scheduling Technology For Modern Oil And Gas Industry

Salient Features Of Rig Scheduler:

This one of a kind planning and a developmental tool is critical for the smooth functioning of a large oil and gas organization.  There are lots of constraints in a dynamic environment like a number of active rigs available, cost overrun, project visibility, etc., which can be only addressed professionally with an advance rig scheduler. Advance rig schedulers have the capability of empowering business houses with real-time drilling data and its associated cost. Any deviation from the target cost can quickly be captured and course corrected. Organizations are in relentless pursuit to optimize their rig operations, keeping in mind the upfront investments along with long deployment of rigs. Advance rig schedulers are meant to send reports and alerts, after completion of a job, so that the same rig can be quickly allocated to a different well site. This saves considerable time and cost, ensuring zero idle time for rigs. 

Most of the times, managers need to have a complete status view of the ongoing job. This is facilitated by advance rig scheduler with its enhanced capability of delivering on job reports and financial analysis of the same. This prevents any long term leakage in terms of bad expense. It is the best asset modeling tool available in the market, by which rig planning optimization and detailed understanding of the uncertainties of the project can be carried out easily. Advance rig schedulers are known for their short term budget allocation functionality, which increases the project visualization, in terms of near drilling schedules.  Oil companies often face a lack of clarity on the different types of rig deployed on the fields, along with their mobilization cost and standby rates. This is solved with the use of advance rig schedulers with its cost center approach to project management. Then again advance rig schedulers can be used to chalk out a robust extraction plan, because of its capabilities of incorporating rig mobilization dates along with seasonal factors.

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Rig schedulers are highly intuitive systems, which can be integrated with organizational legacy systems with ease. This is where a good technology partner comes into play. Every organization has its own challenge, which needs to be addressed case by case, with tailor-made solutions. The utmost case should be taken that, “zero data loss”, should take place during system migration. Advance rig schedulers have capabilities of re-budgeting and re-planning of the project, for volatile operations of oil and gas organizations. This system can be implemented fully, with minimum training to the employees in a time of 8 to 10 weeks.