When To Consider Assisted Living Instead Of In-Home Care

Deciding when it’s time to consider assisted living or in-home care for a loved one can be tough. It can be emotionally taxing and difficult to reach a consensus within the family. But knowing when it may be wise to consider assisted living is important for maintaining your loved one’s health and safety. 

Here are the top five instances when it would be wise to consider an assisted living facility instead of in-home care. 

1. When Your Loved One Needs Constant Care 

If your loved one needs round-the-clock care, it may be best for them to consider assisted living Sandy Springs, where they will have access to nurses and doctors 24 hours a day, seven days a week. 

This way, you can rest assured that someone is always there to help them with their daily needs, such as taking medications on time and providing help with personal care tasks like bathing or dressing. 

2. When There Is A Need For Specialized Services

Many facilities provide specialized services such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and social work services. These may not be available at home or covered by insurance. 

In addition, many facilities also offer specialized programs such as memory care units or geriatric assessment services to help ensure your loved one’s specific needs are met while under the facility’s care. 

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3. When The Caregiver Needs Respite

Taking on the role of primary caregiver for a loved one can take its toll after a while—both mentally and physically. The caregiver needs to have some respite from time to time so they don’t burn out completely. 

Assisted living facilities provide caregivers with much-needed breaks to recharge their ‘batteries’ and come back refreshed and ready to take on the job again. 

4. When There Is A Need For Socialization And Stimulation

Socialization is essential for maintaining mental health, especially as we age and our circle of friends starts shrinking due to various factors such as death, disability, or illness. 

Assisted living facilities allow seniors to socialize through organized activities like movie nights, game nights, lectures, field trips, etc. These activities are designed specifically for elderly individuals who may feel isolated otherwise. 

Such interactions also often lead to improved cognitive functioning among seniors since their brains remain engaged through these activities. 

5. When Safety Becomes An Issue

As people age, their ability to move around independently decreases significantly due to weak bones, joint pains, etc. It makes them more prone to falls and other injuries if left unsupervised at home. 

Assisted living facilities provide seniors with constant supervision and regular checkups from medical professionals who help ensure their well-being at all times. It helps reduce the risk of accidents resulting from falls or other incidents considerably compared with what might happen if they were left without any assistance whatsoever. 

Check Out an Assisted Living in Sandy Springs Today

Deciding whether in-home care or assisted living is best suited for your aging loved ones can be an emotional process. But, understanding when each option could benefit them most will make things easier for everyone involved. Knowing what situations would warrant considering an assisted living facility over in-home care allows you (and your loved ones) peace of mind. 

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